Lucerito Scholarship
Lucerito Scholarship
Lucerito scholarships are intended for children of families with financial need. As part of the application process, each family must prove eligibility for financial assistance from an outside agency such as Child Care Services or the Department of Social Services. Please provide a contract with an agency for tuition assistance or an original letter on agency letterhead declaring eligibility.
The Scholarship Committee will consider tuition assistance if:
parents have proof of eligibility for tuition assistance from an outside agency such as Child Care Services Association or the Department of Social Services.
the assistance from Mi Escuelita does not violate the policies of the outside agency/ies.
the parent fee as set by the outside agency is more than $75 per month.
An application for a child can be submitted each year. More than one child from a family can receive a Lucerito scholarship simultaneously. Each request will be handled separately and independently of others.
Scholarship Amount
The Scholarship Committee will consider reducing the parent fee as set by the outside agency by up to 25%, but to an amount no lower than $75 per month. The maximum scholarship amount that can be awarded for a child each month is $200. Scholarship awards are dependent on funds available.
If a family is eligible for outside agency assistance but funds are unavailable (i.e. they are put on a waiting list), the Scholarship Committee will consider tuition assistance up to 25% of the total monthly tuition. The maximum scholarship amount that can be awarded for a child each month is $200.